Monday, January 14, 2008

Minutes Away from the Finale!

In about 1 hour, I will be standing in front of all of my colleagues here at Small Town University in Pennsylvania to defend my PhD dissertation. Needless to say, the butterflies are starting to flutter in the old stomach as I type this blog entry. Don't get me wrong, I have done this before for much more important things (like my job interview at the University of Small City NY). Nonetheless, I just want to go up there and kick some major ass! I want to try to show people that I have worked hard the past 5 years in my advisor's lab and just go out with a little bit of respect. It has certainly been a long, tiring ride. But I can now say that it has all been worth it and I am now ready to move on to the next exciting chapter in my life. Here's hoping I do well defending my research!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job Honey!!!

I am so proud of you! My Dr. Boyfriend!