Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

To everyone that reads this blog and who I did not already talk to in 2008, I would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is hard for me to believe that it is already January 2nd since the last time that I looked at my calendar, and for that matter my blog, it was early December. Crazy good times!

In that time, I have finished up grading for classes here at Small Town University in PA, successfully presented my research at my final committee meeting, wrapped up all experiments that are part of my thesis, submitted a manuscript that pertains to my last specific aim, submitted a copy of my thesis to all faculty members on my PhD committee and have paritally moved into my first apartment in Small City NY where I hope to start working sooner rather than later at the University of Small City, NY (I need money.....BAD!!!).

Although I am sad that I will never be able to drive in to Small Town University in PA with Sneks again, and that she will be off in Costa Rica for the next 6 weeks, I am happy to be moving on in my life and that I will always have Sneks apart of my life no matter where I go in the world. Here is a hoping that Sneks can finish here PhD in the next two years! Or sooner!!!

Check out my new pad. I hope to have everyone up at somepoint to visit. There is room for 6 people!! More pictures to come once Blogger decides to upload my awesome pictures.

My dining room next to the window.

My new bed and weight equipment in the bedroom.

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